Hailu Getachew


Social Worker

I have worked in Life Center Ethiopia for four years. My work is mostly related to poor widowed mothers. It is a great pleasure and a privilege to work in such a way that upholds the vision of this Center, for instance, sharing of love and positive thinking to all the direct beneficiaries of the organization and communities. 

I really thank God to be a part of this holly endeavor. I witnessed the life change of many poor widowed moms for the better through skill training and micro loan services, Counselling, and motivation.

 We are doing lots of activities related to life skill training and Counselling with an objective of creating attitudinal change among beneficiary women parallel to their business activities. Towards assisting them change their deep rooted poverty mentality and develop self-reliance, we are providing a wide range of training and counseling services. The continuous life changing trainings they have had and also the love and compassion of all the staff members have been sharing have made them more optimist than ever. It is fortunate of me to be a part of this all rounded service that has touched the lives of many people. It is even a paradigm shift to my mind set with regard to my life philosophy. 

The efforts exerted by the organization aimed at making poor mothers develop a mentality of saying, “yes, I can”; and “I have the potential to change my life,” is successfully fruitful. And the practical transformation of life they have brought through Life Center support was a strong evidence for the validity of my life philosophy. I concluded that one can change one’s lives changing one’s attitude. In these few years’ time, I have worked in; I have witnessed people developing positive attitudes instead of the negative ones. 

Their living conditions have been changing for good in terms of health, fulfillment of basic needs and financial capabilities. My humble piece of advice to any one is that that the only way to bring a meaningful change of life, on an individual level, as well as in the society, is bringing attitudinal change. Life Center helped me broaden my perspective in the area of attitudinal change. It motivates me to work hard for better achievements. Poverty on a national level, I finally would like to say, would be alleviated if similar organizations follow suit and work hard in this regard.
