Abel Tadesse

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Social Worker

I am Abel and I’m a social worker in Life Center. Mrs. Mulu Girmay, the founder of Life Center, has a lot to be told, instead of me. We, the staff, call her “Mulsh” and the children call her “Mommy.” We all are like one family. Few among the many Mulsh’s life principles are:“Everything has its own solution; even one problem can have different solutions”

“When a door seems to be locked, it might have several openings”

“A big wall can have small holes”

“A flood reduces itself, when the time comes, into a river and leaves a space to it”

“There is a leader in a small child who needs affection and love”

It is a privilege to work with this community that I believe God has brought me here for a purpose. My line of work is mostly related to the orphaned & semi-orphaned children. We always try to work hard in helping them concentrate on their education by giving them tutorials, following their school attendance. We let them have a better understanding of God. I have observed every year that these children have been bringing a significant change on their personality, thought process, psychological inner being, and on their education. 

Life Center Ethiopia is committed to mentor and equip vulnerable children with knowledge, wisdom, and love for our Lord Jesus. God bless Ethiopia and her people!
