Kelsi Inabnet

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What a gift to know that through a minor $35/month we are changing the trajectory of a child's life from one of little to no opportunity into a life of hope and access to support in all areas of their lives.  They are learning about the saving grace of Jesus and getting support from loving social workers, after school tutoring, school supplies, and are a part of a community who loves them.  

About 6 years ago we started sponsoring a little girl named Lydia. Every year we would receive a photo and communication from her and how she is growing, what she is learning, and how grateful she is to be able to be a part of a loving, supportive community like Life Center.  

Last February, I had the pleasure of meeting Lydia for the first time at Life Center Ethiopia.  Her smile lit up my heart.  This young woman introduced me to all her fellow Life Center friends.  She is clearly a leader at the Center as she gave younger ones hugs, told a misbehaving child to 'shape up', laughed with an infectious joy of love at the jokes of her friends.  I could tell, THIS was her home away from home.  

With strong English skills and a sparkle in her eye, she shared with me that her Auntie whom she lives with just had a baby.  She was a proud cousin.  And I could tell that maybe because of her own family loss, family was everything to her.  She also explained to me that their community of orphans and those they lived with are very close.  If there is a death in the community, they all pitch in to serve that family.  Family is everything.  And for Lydia and these orphans who have lost parents or cannot be provided for, Life Center community has become their family.  It is Family.  And this family is helping these children to make a life for themselves. My husband and I find it a blessing to help make this possible.
