Love Cares

One of Life Center Ethiopia’s favorite initiatives is providing skill trainings for the orphans during their summer breaks from school. Currently, we offer computer and sewing classes at the Life Center Compound, with the hope that the children will have a safe place to come during the summer months. This summer, we had 9 children participate in the computer program and 10 young girls in the sewing classes. Each one received a certificate indicating their completion of the trainings!

The sewing classes are intended for the girls to learn how to make a product they may be able to sell in the future, or to make clothes and household items for themselves. This summer, they all worked together to complete a beautiful quilt!

During these sewing classes, our staff member, Merima, emphasizes the importance of prayer and encouragement over the girls. She consistently up lifts each girl because they do not have anybody at home to do that. It is a special time for everyone involved.

In Africa, Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is still in early development. Nearly the entire rural population lacks basic telecommunication infrastructures. Even in more urban areas, most people rely solely on radio and newspapers for their information. As the rest of the world advances in ICT, Life Center Ethiopia hopes to advance the computer skills of the orphans as well. We believe that equipping our kids with basic technological skills will help prepare them for higher education and occupations.  

That is why we have implemented computer skill trainings with the orphans. With classes led by our staff, Abel and Yordanos, the children learn skills such as:

  • Introduction to the computer

  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)

  • How to use the internet

  • Data communication

  • Typing and editing

Each one of the children knows that the skills they learn in these trainings are useful for their educational and occupational advances. They do not take for granted the opportunity to learn a skill that many others around them do not get the privilege of. They know that the skills they learn are intended for the knowledge and information growth of the Ethiopian economy when they graduate from higher education. However, for now, they use the computers to break the barriers of time, distance, and collaboration; all of which, radio and newspapers simply cannot attain.

The whole Life Center Ethiopia staff is very passionate about teaching the children how to sew and use the computer. They know these skills will enhance the lives of each child and they are blessed to be a part of such a mission. So, thank you for making this mission possible!

As always, thank you and God bless!

Life Center