Nurturing Growth: Life Center Ethiopia’s Transformative Training Programs

For the past 11 years, Life Center Ethiopia has been a cornerstone of community support, offering vital summer training programs that safeguard and uplift beneficiary children and their parents.

Beneficiary children are the children that Life Center Ethiopia supports through sponsorships and donations from our supporters.

Our mission is to create lasting, meaningful change in the lives of our project beneficiaries and their communities. We are proud to have you as part of this transformative journey, which continues to make a significant impact in numerous ways.

This summer, we conducted a series of impactful trainings, and we would like to highlight two key initiatives:

  1. Basic Life Skills Training - tailored for orphaned children

  2. Good Parenting Training - designed for caregivers

Each of these trainings was thoughtfully structured, incorporating Biblical insights, technical skills development, trauma healing, substance abuse prevention, emotional regulation, child development understanding, and effective communication techniques. Remarkably, all sessions were led by our dedicated Life Center social workers, reflecting the growing strength and self-sufficiency of our organization.

The Basic Life Skills Training was a three-day intensive program designed for selected teenagers from the Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) communities supported by Life Center in Addis Ababa and Sekota. This training was meticulously crafted to address key areas essential for personal growth, social awareness, and overall well-being. Some of the critical components included:

  • Informed decision-making

  • Building social skills

  • Mastering emotional regulation

  • Developing problem-solving strategies

  • Preventing substance abuse

  • Boosting self-esteem and confidence

  • Setting and achieving goals

  • Navigating conflict resolution

This training equips teenagers with the critical thinking and decision-making skills needed to navigate life's challenges—whether in academics, relationships, or health. Moreover, it fosters essential interpersonal skills, such as effective communication, empathy, and teamwork.

The teenagers who participated in the training reported a wide array of benefits, highlighting a boost in self-awareness and self-efficacy. This newfound confidence empowers them to excel in both academic and social settings. The emphasis on both verbal and non-verbal communication skills is also expected to enhance their relationships with peers and family members, leading to greater overall satisfaction.

In essence, the life skills training provided these teenagers with the foundational tools they need to successfully navigate adolescence, preparing them for a prosperous and fulfilling adulthood.

The Good Parenting Skills Training was meticulously organized for caregivers of Life Center’s OVC. This training focused on crucial aspects of effective caregiving and child development, including:

  • Understanding the stages of child development

  • Practicing effective communication

  • Implementing positive discipline strategies

  • Strengthening the parent-child bond

  • Managing caregiver stress effectively

Through these targeted areas, the good parenting skills training empowered caregivers with the knowledge and tools necessary to foster positive growth in children while creating a nurturing and supportive environment.

Caregivers reflected on their experiences, noting a significant enhancement in their skills and confidence, improved relationships with their children, better outcomes for the children in their care, and more effective coping strategies. They also gained a deeper appreciation for the importance of patience and understood the profound impact of trauma.

In conclusion, caregivers who participated in the good parenting training experienced a profound sense of personal satisfaction and growth. This training not only sharpened their practical caregiving skills but also deepened their understanding of the complexities of child development and caregiving.

The dedication and commitment of Life Center’s founder and executive director, Mrs. Mulu Girmay, were evident throughout this journey. The children expressed their aspirations through heartfelt drawings, which they shared with Mulu. Her presence at the training sessions provided invaluable encouragement to both the children and caregivers, inspiring them to hold onto hope and trust in the Lord throughout their life journeys.

David Herzog