10 Years of Victory

We have great news to share with you! Life Center Ethiopia celebrated its 10th anniversary in Denver, Colorado, on October 14, 2023, and in Ethiopia in March 2023. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness and provision to allow us to serve the orphans and widows in Ethiopia for the past ten years.

We want to thank you for helping Life Center Ethiopia in numerous ways over the past ten years. We could not have made it this far without you!

At our anniversary celebration, we were astonished by how many friends and partners came out to celebrate with us! We had over 115 people there, which just showed us how much God cares for this organization and the widows and children we support. Everyone was eager to partner and celebrate with us, which is such a blessing!

We got to enjoy a delicious meal of traditional Ethiopian food together (pictured below). A typical Ethiopian meal consists of Injera, lentils, chicken, and Doro Wat. Most Ethiopian food is spicy for Americans, but that doesn’t make it any less delicious. The flavor comes from a spice known as Berbere, which gives the food and sauces a rich red color. If you have never tried Ethiopian food, you should change that!

The rest of the evening consisted of hearing from a couple different pastors and long-time supporters of Life Center Ethiopia, as well as hearing from Tamrat Layne, Mulu’s husband. Tamrat spoke about his daughter and how his absence, while in prison, impacted her life. His daughter, Tigist, was only 2 months old when Tamrat was arrested, so for the first 12 years of her life, she didn’t have a father. Mulu recognized the hurt her children faced, growing up without a father, and knew that was a common story for many children in Ethiopia. Thus, Life Center Ethiopia, a ministry for the fatherless, was born.

Overall, it was a wonderful night filled with so much celebration and blessings! We are still overwhelmed by the response and support we received from all of you, so thank you! We would have never made it this far without you!

Here’s to 10 more years!

Life Center